


The injectable class with methods that allow for d3 tooltip creation. Injectable as d3TooltipService.




constructor(cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, appRef: ApplicationRef, injector: Injector)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
cfr ComponentFactoryResolver
appRef ApplicationRef
injector Injector


createFromComponent(component: any, inputsFactory: Function, outputsFactory: Function, options: ITooltipOptions)

This method returns a function that can be called with It adds a tooltip/popover to the selection's elements which instantiates and inserts a component specified by the first parameter.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
component any

The component class to insert into the tooltip

inputsFactory Function

A function which returns an object for input values to the component

outputsFactory Function
options ITooltipOptions

Options for the returned tooltip function

Returns : void
Private getDomElementFromComponentRef
getDomElementFromComponentRef(componentRef: ComponentRef)

Given a component reference, returns the host DOM element.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
componentRef ComponentRef<any>

The component reference whose DOM element will be returned

Returns : HTMLElement
removeTooltip(tooltipRef: ComponentRef)

Removes the given tooltip component reference.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
tooltipRef ComponentRef<D3TooltipComponent>

The component reference of the open tooltip to remove

Returns : void
showTooltip(position: ITooltipPosition, component: any, inputs: any, outputs: any, options: ITooltipOptions)

Displays the given component in a tooltip anchored

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
position ITooltipPosition

The absolute coordinates of where the anchor for this tooltip is

component any

The component to instantiate

inputs any

The inputs to pass to the instantiated component

outputs any

The output subscribe handlers to attach to outputs

options ITooltipOptions

Tooltip options object for further customization

import * as d3 from 'd3';
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { D3TooltipComponent } from './d3-tooltip.component';

 * The injectable class with methods that allow for d3 tooltip creation. Injectable as `d3TooltipService`.
export class D3TooltipService {

    private cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver,
    private appRef: ApplicationRef,
    private injector: Injector
  ) { }

   * This method returns a function that can be called with It adds
   * a tooltip/popover to the selection's elements which instantiates and inserts a component
   * specified by the first parameter.
   * @param component The component class to insert into the tooltip
   * @param inputsFactory A function which returns an object for input values to the component
   * @param options Options for the returned tooltip function
  createFromComponent<T = any>(
    component: any,
    inputsFactory: Function = (d?) => { return {}; },
    outputsFactory: Function = () => { return {}; },
    options: ITooltipOptions = {}
  ): (selection) => void {
    let d3TooltipService = this;
    options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options);
    return function (selection) {

      // the timer id for the timer set to open the tooltip
      let openDelayTimeout;
      let offDelayTimeout;

      // component reference to the opened tooltip if there is one
      let openTooltipRef: ComponentRef<D3TooltipComponent>;
      let elementThatTriggeredTooltip: Element;
      // object which stores the coordinates to anchor the tooltip
      let position: ITooltipPosition;
      // the intermittent event handler for window mousemoves,
      // added when options.location is 'mouse'
      let mousemove = (event: MouseEvent) => { = event.pageY;
        position.left = event.pageX;

      // add the d3 handlers
        // MOUSEENTER
        .on('mouseenter.ngx_d3_tooltip', function(d: T) {

          // Cache the element
          let el = this as Element;

          // Check if this tooltip is already open.
          // If so, abort removal and leave.
          if (el === elementThatTriggeredTooltip) {

          // Remove any previous mousemove listener
          window.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);

          // Reset the previous position
          position = {
            top: 0,
            left: 0
          // Get the anchor point in the document:

          // 'mouse'
          if (options.location === 'mouse') {
            // set initial coords from mouseenter event

            // update coords to open with as mouse moves within element
            window.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);
            // element
          } else if (options.location === 'element') {

            // use the bounding rect of the element to set the position
            let elDimensions = el.getBoundingClientRect();
            position.left = elDimensions.left + elDimensions.width / 2;
   = + elDimensions.height / 2;


          // Clear any previous timer to open a popup and start a new one
          if (openDelayTimeout) {
          openDelayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
            // Remove the mousemove listener
            window.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);

            // Remove any old tooltip hanging around
            if (openTooltipRef) {
            // Show the tooltip
            openTooltipRef = d3TooltipService.showTooltip(position, component, inputsFactory(d), outputsFactory(), options);

            // Store the element for comparison in mouseleave
            elementThatTriggeredTooltip = el;

            // Listen for mouseenter on the tooltip to prevent closing it
            let openTooltipEl = d3TooltipService.getDomElementFromComponentRef(openTooltipRef);
              .addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
              .addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
                offDelayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
                  openTooltipRef = null;
                  elementThatTriggeredTooltip = null;
                }, options.offDelay);

          }, options.delay);
        .on('mouseleave.ngx_d3_tooltip', function(d) {

          // Clear any tracking
          window.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);

          // If this is the element which is being left, initiate
          // removal. This may be cancelled by mouse entering tooltip
          if (openTooltipRef && elementThatTriggeredTooltip === this) {
            offDelayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
              openTooltipRef = null;
              elementThatTriggeredTooltip = null;
            }, options.offDelay);

   * Displays the given component in a tooltip anchored 
   * @param position The absolute coordinates of where the anchor for this tooltip is
   * @param component The component to instantiate
   * @param inputs The inputs to pass to the instantiated component
   * @param outputs The output subscribe handlers to attach to outputs
   * @param options Tooltip options object for further customization
  showTooltip(position: ITooltipPosition, component: any, inputs: any, outputs: any, options: ITooltipOptions): ComponentRef<D3TooltipComponent> {
    // credit:
    // 1. Create a component reference from the component 
    const componentRef = this.cfr

    // 2. Add any inputs and outputs
    const instance = componentRef.instance;
    instance.position = position;
    instance.options = options;
    instance.component = component;
    instance.inputs = inputs;
    instance.outputs = outputs;

    // 3. Attach component to the appRef so that it's inside the ng component tree

    // 4. Get DOM element from component
    const domElem = this.getDomElementFromComponentRef(componentRef);

    // 5. Append DOM element to the body

    return componentRef;

   * Removes the given tooltip component reference.
   * @param tooltipRef The component reference of the open tooltip to remove
  removeTooltip(tooltipRef: ComponentRef<D3TooltipComponent>) {
    tooltipRef.instance.isVisible = false;
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);

  // createFromTemplate(templateString: string) {

  // }

   * Given a component reference, returns the host DOM element.
   * @param componentRef The component reference whose DOM element will be returned
  private getDomElementFromComponentRef(componentRef: ComponentRef<any>): HTMLElement {
    return (componentRef.hostView as EmbeddedViewRef<any>)
      .rootNodes[0] as HTMLElement;


 * An interface for screen coordinates
export interface ITooltipPosition {
  top: number;
  left: number;

 * The available tooltip customization options
export interface ITooltipOptions {
   * How long before tooltip appears
  delay?: number;
   * How long after mouseout the tooltip disappears
  offDelay?: number;
   * Where the tooltip is anchored (not to be confused with position)
  location?: 'mouse' | 'element';
   * The direction from the anchor that the tooltip opens up from
  position?: 'auto' | 'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'topRight' | 'topLeft' | 'bottomRight' | 'bottomLeft';
   * Additional classes added to the visible tooltip element.
  cssClasses?: string;

 * The default tooltip options when not overridden.
export const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: ITooltipOptions = {
  delay: 1000,
  offDelay: 1000,
  location: 'mouse',
  position: 'bottom',
  cssClasses: ''

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